Sri Lankans’ health

The reporting of daily intimate partner violence correlates with wealth in Sri Lanka.

First posted on November 29, 2022.

#PushForward  #endviolenceagainstwomenandgirls #sdgs2030#16days UNFPA Sri Lanka

rectangular box with shading yellow color from the highest to lowest.

Geographical variation of severe undernutrition of infants and preschoolers

First posted on November 29, 2022

Is it possible to achieve #SDG2: zero hunger by #SDG2030 without addressing this inequality?

How Sri Lankans earned in 2019

First posted on July 30, 2022

What brings the highest return on investment?

First posted on July 30, 2022

The above graph is from the USA, but its findings apply universally.

Homicides in Sri Lanka

First posted on July 14, 2022

Deaths from road accidents: Sri Lanka vs rest

First posted on July 14, 2022

Suicide rates in Sri Lanka, 2000 – 2019

First posted on July 18, 2022

Suicide rates by age, Sri Lanka, 1990 -2019

Suicide rates by sex, Sri Lanka, 1990 – 2019

First posted on July 18, 2022

Deaths from suicides, by age, 1990-2019


Deaths due to COVID per million

First created on Aug. 14, 2021

Case fatality rate due to COVID

First created on Aug. 14, 2021

Vaccination rates for COVID